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Playing golf for the first time for a Beginner (9 Advices)

Playing golf for the first time for a Beginner 

Playing golf for the first time for a Beginner

The game of golf is a wonderful sport that you can play for a lifetime. But if you are an absolute beginner, how do you begin to start playing golf?

In this article i will give you 9 Advices you should follow to play golf properly and become in short time expert in golf

1. Don't buy new Golf clubs

First of all, it is not recommended to go out and spend a lot of money on expensive clubs. Though properly fitted and researched clubs can bring about huge improvements in your game, we suggest you do that at a later time when you have a good idea what you are looking for. 

So in the beginning, borrow some friends or get some used clubs. In fact, all you need when you first start out is few clubs and we recommend a 7 iron, 8 iron and/or a 9 iron.

used golf clubs for beginners

2. Learn golf fundamentals 

Next, really focus on learning the golf fundamentals. Do not rush to an 18-hole course. Let the driving range be your best friend. 

Though it is highly recommended that you learn how to play golf first with a PGA licensed instructor, it is not a bad idea to purchase a golf book or two to first familiarize yourself with the game and start learning the fundamentals. That way, you can go into your subsequent lessons with a clue about what is going on.

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    3. Start of at a driving range

    Start of at a driving range with a focus of simply getting the ball airborne, then hitting the golf ball relatively straight - do not worry about distance for some time. For example, work on hitting consistently straight chip and pitch shots 5 to 20 yards. Once you can hit 10 shots in a row straight for 20 yards, work on hitting the golf ball longer.


    hitting the golf ball relatively straight

    4. Start learning the basics of Golf

    Start to learn the basics of golf and how to play golf including other elements of the game with a focus on short game and putting so you should search for best course for beginners to train on it.

    5. Do simple training tips for warm up

    you should do some warm up training before you playing to be fit and don't get any muscle problems >>> you can see some warming up training tips here


    6. Wearing Proper Golf Clothes

    One of Golf Etiquette to wear proper clothes that make you feel comfort and should be suitable for golf playing.

    Proper Golf Clothes

    7. Practice more to be familiar with the game 

    Prepare a plan for your practicing golf … you should practice it regularly.

    8. Follow Golf Legends and Heroes

    this advice is very important to get more experience in this game as you see how they played golf and start to simulate these techniques.

    Golf Legends and Heroes

    9. Don't be depressed quickly

    Take in your mind that this game needs patience, training, practicing and development so you should take your time to try and try and try … really you will wonder about your level after few months … its easy to play

    golf depressed

    You apply these suggestions on your golf game and surely you start hitting the ball in the right hole. Regular golf practice is the key to this game because when you start facing problem with your golf swing only regular golf practice can help you to resolve the swing problem and lower your golf score.

    At the end of my article i hope you love it … if yes please leave a comment and share this article.





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